Eight Examples of Fetching Data from DynamoDB with Node.js

I frequently see people looking for simple examples of how to use one of AWS' SDKs to do simple operations on DynamoDB and other services. So I thought it was about time we had a few examples to work from that weren’t completely overwhelming. In this post, I’ll show you a few ways to use the AWS SDK for JavaScript to get data out of a DynamoDB table. I hope these will serve as a decent reference for many basic operations you might need to take to read information from your DynamoDB tables!

Adding Lambda Authorizers to your Serverless Applications

So you’ve developed a snazzy new Serverless API on AWS and everything is going great. That is until you realize that there might eventually be production data behind it that you don’t want someone with Postman and 20 minutes on their hands to have access to. That’s where Lambda Authorizers come in. They’re a way to make sure that your API will only respond to authorized callers. Let’s look at how to implement authorizers for ourselves using an example application called Serverless Jams - where we vote on our favorite coding-related music.

My Newest Free Course - Serverless for Frontend Developers

My Newest Free Course - Serverless for Frontend Developers

I have a new three-hour long course on building serverless applications from the perspective of a frontend developer. Some of the things you’ll learn include:

  • How to deploy serverless frontends on AWS with SSL, a custom domain, and the CloudFront CDN
  • How to spin up your first backend APIs with the Serverless Framework
  • How to integrate Auth0 into your frontend
  • How to use Auth0 to secure your backend APIs

The best part? It’s 100% free! Feel free to check it out here. Let me know what you think on Twitter!

2019 Yearly Review

2019 was a year. In usual fashion I’ve decided to post a review of some of the things you may or may not have seen from me that I finished up along the way.

Updating Route 53 Domains with awsmailman

One of my few possessions is an abundance of poorly-chosen Amazon Route 53 domain names with outdated contact addresses from moving between overpriced apartments - I am what you might call a tech typical millennial.

So I wrote a Python package called awsmailman to help do this for me and now you can use it too.