A few days ago I needed to test a Lambda function build script for my recent Pluralsight course on a Windows machine. One of my course viewers notices that the bash build script I’d written for unix environments was incompatible with Windows bash. Because of this I needed to write a custom .bat script for windows environments. Only one problem, I don’t own a Windows machine, and I don’t want to.

Recently I was trying to use the psycopg2 libraries for Python in combination with AWS Lambda. My first hint that this was probably overkill was that the function package, when zipped, started exceeding 50MB. AWS console errors quickly reminded me that 50MB is the size limit for Lambda packages.

Howdy! I’ve moved my site to Hugo! I’ve also deployed it using AWS' static site hosting.

Here’s a few easy aliases to deploy your static hugo blog to AWS

alias myblog="cd ~/Documents/myblogfolder"
alias deployblog="myblog && hugo && aws s3 sync ./public s3://your-aws-website-bucketn && rm -r ./public"