Serverless Auth with AWS HTTP APIs

Serverless Auth with AWS HTTP APIs

I just wrote a guide to using the newly released AWS HTTP APIs with the Serverless Framework. I include several boilerplate code examples for using the HTTP API with Amazon Cognito and JWT Authentication. You can use this feature to create faster and cheaper serverless apis.

Serverless Knative Integration

Serverless Knative Integration

I recently wrote a guide about using the Serverless Framework Knative integration to deploy a Kubernetes service on Google Cloud. I go through the whole process of creating your Kubernetes cluster through integrating the Serverless Framework.

Ten Examples of Getting Data from DynamoDB with Python and Boto3

I recently wrote about using Node.js and the AWS SDK for JavaScript to get data from DynamoDB. In this post, I’ll take you through how to do the same thing with Python and Boto3! We’ll use both a DynamoDB client and a DynamoDB table resource in order to do many of the same read operations on the DynamoDB table. I hope this helps serve as a reference for you whenever you need to query DynamoDB with Python.