2019 was a year. In usual fashion I’ve decided to post a review of some of the things you may or may not have seen from me that I finished up along the way.
In the first half of 2019 I quit my my job to work for myself for a while!
Upfront Jobs and Techpayrates
Creating Techpayrtates.com and collaborating on Upfront Jobs helped me try my hand at product design, frontend development, and integrating additional tools like Algolia and Stripe into my applications. I worked on every element of the technical stack and contributed articles to Upfront Jobs about what makes good, supportive, and diverse workplaces.
Stormlight Consulting
After launching Stormlight Consulting, I worked with clients who needed help working with particular AWS services, wanted projects built out, or were curious about optimizing cost on AWS.
Pluralsight Courses
I also spent a good part of the year publishing three new Pluralsight courses on optimizing cost on AWS, using Amazon Translate, and working with the suite of AWS IoT services.
Serverless Inc.
Towards the end of the year I took an offer to work with Serverless Inc. - A company I’ve been excited about since the first day I started using the Serverless Framework back in 2016! So far at Serverless, I’ve:
- Published a series of free online tutorials on Serverless for Frontend Developers (which you should check out!)
- Given a variety of technical talks at conferences ranging from LibertyJS in Philadelphia, PA to LISA19 in my home state of Portland, Oregon
- Blogged, presented, tweeted, coded and otherwise had a blast in working on serverless projects
You can expect more tutorials, demos, and content from me in 2020 so sign up for my mailing list to keep informed of everything I’m up to. If you’d like to give me suggestions, always feel free to let me know on Twitter!
Have a great 2020 everyone!